Allergies/Cold/Flu/Respiratory | Children’s Formulas | Digestion | Emotional Stress | Energy/Immune Support | Female Support / Fertility | Latent Pathogens | Male Support | Obesity | Pain Relief/Trauma/Bleeding | Skin Conditions | Urinary Tract/Kidney | Miscellaneous Formula
Children’s Clear & Release Formula (Yin Qiao Gan Mao Fang)
Clears heat, resolves toxin, expels wind, benefits the throat, opens the nasal passages, relieves cough, brightens the eyes, diffuses lung qi.
A versatile antiviral syrup for early stages of cold and flu
Children’s Clear Lung Formula (Xiao Er Zi Qing Fei Fang)
Clears heat and drains fire, resolves toxin, expels wind, benefits the throat, relieves cough, brightens the eyes, diffuses lung qi.
For lung fire or phlegm-heat in the lungs: bronchitis, croup, pertussis
Children’s Ear Formula (Hai Er Fang)
Clears heat, resolves toxin, drains dampness, relieves pain.
For ear infections with pain
Children’s Jade Defense Formula (Xiao Er Zi Yu Fang)
Supplements wei qi, secures the exterior, stops sweating, clears eyes.
For allergies, common cold prevention, frequent wind-cold invasions
Jade Screen & Xanthium Formula (Yu Ping Feng Jia Cang Er San)
Supplements qi, stops sweating, stabilizes the exterior, expels wind and dampness, reduces swelling, opens and clears nasal passages.
For allergy, sinus congestion, sinus headache
Ling Zhi Lung Formula (Ling Zhi Fei Pian)
Rectifies lung qi, supplements lungs, assists kidneys in grasping the qi, resolves phlegm, stops cough, arrests wheezing, calms the spirit (shen).
For asthma, labored breathing, cough, post-illness damage to lung qi, wheezing
Lung Defense Formula (Fei Wei Fang)
Supplements qi, disperses constrained heat and toxin from the lung, frees the chest, cools and invigorates blood, breaks up stasis, cools the lungs and generates fluids, stops dry cough and labored breathing.
For difficulty breathing, altitude sickness, shortness of breath, lingering dry cough
Phlegm-Transforming Formula (Xia Ku Hua Tan Pian)
Transforms phlegm, disperses phlegm nodules, moves blood, regulates qi, clears heat and toxin, eliminates dampness, nourishes yin and blood, supports the spleen and kidneys.
For chronic bronchitis, chronic phlegm patterns *
Reed & Seed Formula (San Ren Wei Jing Tang)
Expels heat-toxin and pus from the lungs. Diffuses qi and restores qi mechanism. Disinhibits and transforms dampness and clears heat. Drives out blood stasis and clumped phlegm from the lungs.
For acute or lingering viral damp-heat toxin causing respiratory symptoms (cough, heavy sensation in chest) with nausea and/or diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of smell or taste.
Viola Clear Fire Formula (Di Ding Qing Huo Pian)
Eliminates toxin, drains heat, cools the blood.
For bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory infection
Children’s Clear & Release Formula (Yin Qiao Gan Mao Fang)
Clears heat, resolves toxin, expels wind, benefits the throat, opens the nasal passages, relieves cough, brightens the eyes, diffuses lung qi.
A versatile antiviral syrup for early stages of cold and flu
Children’s Clear Lung Formula (Xiao Er Zi Qing Fei Fang)
Clears heat and drains fire, resolves toxin, expels wind, benefits the throat, relieves cough, brightens the eyes, diffuses lung qi.
For lung fire or phlegm-heat in the lungs: bronchitis, croup, pertussis
Children’s Ear Formula (Hai Er Fang)
Clears heat, resolves toxin, drains dampness, relieves pain.
For ear infections with pain
Children’s Jade Defense Formula (Xiao Er Zi Yu Fang)
Supplements wei qi, secures the exterior, stops sweating, clears eyes.
For allergies, common cold prevention, frequent wind-cold invasions
Earth-Harmonizing Formula (He Tu Pian)
Harmonizes liver and stomach, relaxes liver qi constraint, disperses food stagnation, supplements spleen and stomach, clears heat, and regulates the flow of qi.
For abdominal distension or bloating, chronic acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, bad breath, chronic digestive discomfort or food stagnation
Intestinal Fungus Formula (Chang Mei Jun Fang)
Clears heat, resolves toxin, drains dampness.
For candida infection in intestines, bloating, diarrhea, flatulence, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, giardia, stomach flu
Oregano Oil Formula (Jia Wei Tu Yin Chen You Jiao Nang)
Clears acute damp-heat, resolves fire-toxin, expels parasites.
For candida, dysentery, food poisoning, parasites, helicobacter pylori
Pulsatilla Intestinal Formula (Bai Tou Weng Li Cheng Fang)
Clears heat, resolves toxin, drains dampness, and promotes tissue growth.
For abdominal pain or cramping, Crohn’s Disease, diarrhea, food allergies, intestinal inflammation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, loose or erratic stool
Salvia Ten Formula (Dan Shen Jia Si Jun Zi Pian)
Circulates qi and blood, cools the blood, resolves phlegm, builds qi, supplements the spleen and stomach, calms the spirit (shen), soothes the nerves.
For depression, insomnia, anxiety *
Astragalus & Ligustrum Formula (Huang Qi Dong Qing Pian)
Builds qi, nourishes blood and kidneys, supports wei qi, spleen, and stomach.
For impaired immune function, chronic fatigue, recovery from long illness, side effects of chemotherapy
Five Mushroom Formula (Wu Gu Fang)
Supplements spleen and kidney qi, promotes wei (protective) qi, strengthens the lungs, nourishes liver yin and blood, calms the spirit (shen).
For fatigue, impaired immune function, deficiency cough, chemotherapy support
Ginseng Endurance Formula (Ren Shen Pian)
Supplements qi, blood, and yang, invigorates blood.
For enhances athletic performance, also for general weakness, fatigue
Jade Defense Plus Formula (Jia Wei Yu Ping Feng San)
Supplements qi to reinforce and stabilize the exterior. Expels wind-heat, resolves toxin and swellings, cools the lung.
For immune defense, preventative or early stage onset of wind-heat.
Ji Xue Formula (Huang Qi Ji Xue Wan)
Supplements blood and qi, nourishes essence, invigorates blood and promotes the smooth flow of qi, promotes healthy digestion, drains damp, resolves toxin, secures qi and essence.
For chronic fatigue, debilitation from aging or chemotherapy
Jing Qi Formula (Jing Qi Pian)
Nourishes jing (essence), supplements and regulates qi, nourishes kidney and liver yin, moves liver qi stagnation.
For low sperm count, deep exhaustion, impotence, night sweats
Sea of Qi Formula (Qi Hai Yao Fang)
Warms and supplements the middle burner, warms the kidneys, supplements qi and yang, strengthens spleen and kidney yang.
For weakness, diarrhea, cold hands and feet, dizziness *
Zheng Qi Support Formula (Zheng Qi Fang)
Supports zheng qi by supporting yang qi, central qi, wei qi and jin (thin fluids). Astringes lung qi and regulates qi in chest.
For recurrent respiratory illnesses, and prevention of viral respiratory infections, augments and nourishes qi, yang, and fluids to boost the immune system
Chong Release Formula (Jia Wei Tao Hong Si Wu Tang)
Nourishes and invigorates blood, supplements qi to support the generation and movement of blood, calms the spirit (shen).
For endometriosis, infertility with blood stasis, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, PMS, functional uterine bleeding **
Immortal Valley Formula (Xian Gu Fang)
Soothes and relaxes the liver, mildly supplements spleen, clears damp-heat and heat-toxin in lower burner, dispels blood stasis.
For cervical dysplasia, cervicitis, genital herpes, HPV, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, functional uterine bleeding, vaginitis, vaginal discharge (yellow), candida *
Mobilize Essence Formula (Fu Ren Bu Yin Pian)
Invigorates blood, opens the collaterals, supplements yin, blood, and yang, calms the spirit (shen).
For abdominal pain, infertility from dysfunction during ovulation, menopausal symptoms, menstrual pain, amenorrhea, ovarian cysts, pain with ovulation, late ovulation *
Nourish Ren & Chong Formula (Jia Wei Gui Shao Di Huang Wan)
Nourishes blood and yin, clears heat and stagnation in the heart and liver, mildly invigorates the blood.
For amenorrhea, infertility with yin and blood deficiency, premature menopause, long or light menses, late ovulation, post-menstrual headaches, post-miscarriage deficiency
Phlegm-Transforming Formula (Xia Ku Hua Tan Pian)
Transforms phlegm, disperses phlegm nodules, moves blood, regulates qi, clears heat and toxin, eliminates dampness, nourishes yin and blood, supports the spleen and kidneys.
For endometriosis, fibroids, functional uterine bleeding, ovarian cysts, menopausal symptoms *
Stasis-Transforming Formula (Dan Shen Hua Yu Pian)
Moves blood, regulates qi, eliminates dampness, transforms stasis, disperses nodules, clears heat-toxin, alleviates pain, supports the spleen and kidneys.
For amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea menopausal symptoms, infertility with blood stasis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, ovarian cysts *
Yin Transition Formula (Geng Nian An Wan)
Tonifies and astringes kidney qi, supplements kidney yin and essence (jing), stops sweating.
For sweating at night or abnormal sweating, insomnia, hot flashes, restless sleep
Yin Valley Formula (Yin Gu Fang)
Nourishes liver and kidney yin, clears heat and toxin in the lower burner, cools heat in the blood, invigorates blood to remove stasis.
For cervical dysplasia, cervicitis, genital itching or swelling, HPV, shortened menstrual cycle with little bleeding, night sweats, pain or bleeding with sexual intercourse, vaginal dryness, vaginitis*
Yuan Support Formula (Jia Wei Jian Gu Tang)
Supplements spleen qi and kidney yang, nourishes blood, moves liver qi stagnation, nourishes and calms the shen (spirit).
For low back weakness, fatigue, infertility with deficient qi and yang, low libido, spotting prior to menses, early recurrent miscarriage
Clear the Hidden 1 Formula (Qing Fu Huo 1)
Extinguishes wind, clears heat, purges fire, dries dampness, releases the exterior, eliminates toxin, and tonifies yin.
For chronic latent pathogens such as Lyme Disease, Babesia, Bartonella, Epstein-Barr Virus
Clear the Hidden 2 Formula (Qing Fu Huo 2)
Invigorates blood and breaks up stasis, releases the exterior, eliminates toxin, clears damp heat, and tonifies yang.
For chronic latent pathogens such as Lyme Disease, Babesia, Bartonella, Epstein-Barr Virus
Resolve the Hidden Formula (Jie Fu Huo)
Clears heat and toxin, dries dampness, resolves phlegm, moves blood, and tonifies kidney yin and yang.
For chronic latent pathogens such as Lyme Disease, Babesia, Bartonella, Epstein-Barr Virus
Jing Qi Formula (Jing Qi Pian)
Nourishes jing (essence), supplements and regulates qi, nourishes kidney and liver yin, moves liver qi stagnation.
For low sperm count, deep exhaustion, impotence, night sweats
Nourish Essence Formula (Zi Jing Di Huang Wan)
Supplements kidney yin and yang, supplements liver yin, builds blood and qi, benefits and retains jing (essence).
For premature ejaculation, incontinence, low renal function, fatigue
Prostate Formula (Qiang Lie Xian Fang)
Supports spleen and kidney yang, drains dampness, moves blood.
For benign prostatic hypertrophy, promotes prostate health
Rabdosia Prostate Formula (Dong Ling Cao Fang)
Clears heat and damp-heat, cools and invigorates blood, disperses swelling, resolves toxin.
For elevated PSA count with damp-heat
Stasis-Transforming Formula (Dan Shen Hua Yu Pian)
Moves blood, regulates qi, eliminates dampness, transforms stasis, disperses nodules, clears heat-toxin, alleviates pain, supports the spleen and kidneys.
For chronic prostatitis with blood stasis
Vital Treasure Formula (Zhen Bao Fang)
Supplements kidney yang and preserves essence, supplements qi and yin, invigorates and supplements liver blood.
For male sexual dysfunction, fatigue, weakness in lower back and knees *
Hawthorn & Fennel Formula (Shan Zha Xiao Hui Xiang Fang)
Transforms dampness, moves qi and blood, disperses food stagnation, moves stool, supplements the spleen, clears liver heat, regulates the appetite, adjusts metabolism.
For abdominal distension, elevated cholesterol, edema, food stagnation, phlegm, feeling of toxicity **
Poria 15 Formula (Shi Wu Wei Fu Ling Pian)
Drains dampness, moves qi and blood, relieves food stagnation, moves stool, benefits the spleen and kidneys, clears the liver.
For abdominal distension, elevated cholesterol, edema, generalized body heaviness, food stagnation, phlegm, difficult urination *
Bone & Sinew Formula (Zheng Gu Xu Jin Fang)
Dispels wind and dampness, knits bones and sinews, supplements and moves
blood, relieves pain.
For third stage broken bones, torn tendons and ligaments, damaged cartilage *
Curcuma Longa Formula (Jiang Huang Wan)
Activates blood circulation and invigorates the movement of qi, opens channels and collaterals, stops pain and relieves swelling, clears heat and eliminates toxin.
For chronic inflammation from allergies, pain from inflammation, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis *
Head Relief Formula (Tou Pian)
Dispels pathogenic wind, frees the channels and collaterals, moves blood, relieves pain.
For headache, TMJ pain *
Neck Formula (Bai Zhi Ge Gen Wan)
Releases the exterior, raises yang, releases the muscle layer of the head and neck, releases the taiyang and yangming channels in the upper body, dispels wind, damp, and cold, opens nasal passage.
For neck pain and stiffness, frozen shoulder
Restorative Formula (Yang Xue Zhuang Jin Jian Bu Wan)
Nourishes qi, yin, and blood, dispels wind and dampness, frees the connecting vessels to relieve pain, secures essence, regulates rising and descending of yin and yang.
For fibromyalgia, chronic pain in the elderly or patients weakened by illness
San Qi Formula (San Qi Pian)
Stops bleeding, dispels blood stasis.
For internal or external bleeding
Tieh Ta Formula (Die Da Wan)
Moves blood, transforms blood stasis, reduces swelling, alleviates pain.
For traumatic injury and pain
Trauma 1 Formula (Die Da 1 Hao Fang)
Clears heat, resolves toxin, relieves pain, moves blood, dispels stasis.
For first stage of traumatic injury, sprains, strains, ligament or tendon tears, with swelling, heat and pain **
Trauma 2 Formula (Die Da 2 Hao Fang)
Moves blood, relieves pain, clears heat, dispels stasis, wind, and dampness.
For second stage of traumatic injury, sprains, strains, ligament or tendon tears, with stiffness and pain **
Margarita Complexion Formula (Zhen Zhu Yu Rong Fang)
Clears heat, cools blood, resolves toxin, breaks accumulations, dries dampness.
For adolescent and adult acne, pimples, red rashes, eczema **
Amber Stone-Transforming Formula (Hu Po Hua Shi Pian)
Dissolves and expels stones, dispels damp-heat, moves qi, clears heat and resolves toxin, invigorates blood, stops bleeding, relieves pain.
For bladder and kidney stones *
Viola Clear Fire Formula (Di Ding Qing Huo Pian)
Eliminates toxin, drains heat, cools the blood.
For urinary tract infections
Capillaris Formula (Yin Chen Ling Zhi Fang)
Supplements qi and blood, clears damp-heat, dredges the liver, invigorates blood, clears heat and resolves toxin, relieves pain.
For jaundice, chronic hepatitis **
Twin Shields Formula (Shuang Dun Fang)
Augments qi, supplements kidney and spleen, opens collaterals, invigorates blood, nourishes yin, gently clears heat, resolves phlegm, softens nodules, decongests thyroid.
For thyroid balance, fatigue, brain fog, TSH elevated, cold sensitivity
True Yin Formula (Zuo Gui Jia Er Zhi Wan)
Nourishes the yin, benefits and supplements the liver and kidneys.
For night sweats, thirst, dizziness
* Do not take during pregnancy ** Do not take during pregnancy or while nursing